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to Reason

"The central political fact is that a dollar standard places the direction of the world monetary policy in the hands of a single country, which thereby acquires great influence over the economic destiny of others. It is one thing to sacrifice sovereignty in the interests of interdependence; it is quite another when the relationship is one way. The difference is that between the EEC and a colonial empire. ... The fact is that acceptance of the dollar standard necessarily implies a degree of asymmetry in power which, althought it actually existed in the early post-war years, had vanished by the time the world found itself sliding to a relunctant dollar standard."
    --John Williamson, The Failure of International Monetary Reform, 1971-74, p.37, 1977

All the old blogs
are gone now

or the people
are different.

Necessary Disclaimers

Necessary Disclaimers

This is essentially just a collection of links, with some vague notes with links to where the information comes from, when and if it is, as such, available. I carry no pretense that it is authoritative: the web is a harsh mistress for anybody looking to read a little non-fiction. I'm trying my best though: the only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.

Unless otherwise noted linkless entries for the most part should be considered, so far as I know, debatable as such.

The resources for background and sourcing is information available on the web or in the bibliography, and so it should be assumed that entries without links are by and large things I probably know little about beyond having heard brief mention of elsewhere (which is why it exists: because one doesn't already). That means it may or may not belong there, or may or may not have in fact happened, and that further reading, googling, library visits, and documentation is required, which is generally true anyway. Entries are usually based on a solid suspicion, but for instance the entry on Guyana at one point said flat out that the CIA had been responsible for the assassination of Walter Rodney because where I heard about it said as much, and it turns out after digging around for information on it that CIA involvement remains an allegation that is disputable and pending further FOIA inquiries. Everything true is classified.

As any telling of history will be painted by the biases of the teller I will briefly outline my own, more than obvious, biases. These are as follows: on the part of greater recognition of basic human rights, liberty, respect for sovereignty and just and lawful interaction between sovereign entities, and the improving of general human welfare - after that I don't really give a crap which ideological pins the subject is brandishing on the lapel: it doesn't appear to matter very often.

Such biases should be in general keeping with those of most sane persons, as even staunch capitalists and staunch socialists are usually able to recognize that what is generally passed off as either has almost nothing to do with what the words actually refer to, that's why India has markets, the United States has a welfare state, and China has gulags. The world does not, despite the efforts of statesmen to make it otherwise, revolve around black and white clashes between ideologies. Human suffering itself isn't black and white, except in that it exists, and liberty in that it often doesn't.

Objective interpretation is left as an exercise for the reader, as I'm obviously still getting a handle on that myself.

I won't be adding entries related to Israel anytime soon, as I'm somewhat interested in keeping the noise-to-signal ratio down (Israel-Palestinian conflict and US involvement there-in qualifies as the former), and my beefs on that inane, persistent, troll of a topic are made quite clear elsewhere.

If a link is broken please notify me, or try the Wayback Machine.


[List Headings] [Older Entries]

journals, notes,
other curmudgeonry

- A Timeline -

Oil for Nothing:
US Holds On Humanitarian Supplies
Iraq: 1997-2001

the good book
and other cultural

The Autobiography
Mother Jones

Contact Info:

red cards,
my wicked past,
and other causes for suspicion

Chicago Branch
IU 660 and IU 560.

The American Civil Liberties Union

radio libre

Union Label

random shit i've read

do less
agenda for justice
cool earth
sweat free trade
boycott war
jewish voice for peace
fair trade
no eat fishies
'responsible investing'
social funds
starve the fox
war resisters league
war tax escrow account
war tax assistance fund
working world

do it yourfuckingself
bioenergy lists
diy network
george's solar workshop
open source ecology
open source machining

ignorance costs money, education is free
open courseware
oer commons
flat world knowledge
kutz business
open university

beating congress with a stick
find your reps

beating the media with a stick
national contact list
youth media council

foreign relations
Americas Program
Center for Defense Information
Coallition for a Realistic Foreign Policy
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Foreign Policy In Focus
ICRC Customary International Law
Interdisciplines: Terrorism
National Priorities Project
Nautilus Institute
Project on Defense Alternatives
Project to Enforce the Geneva Conventions
Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission
World Policy Institute

foreign interventions
Foreign Affairs
Institute for Strategic Studies
Middle East Policy Council
  [conflict statistics]

is this some sort of joke?
Rahm Emanuel
Foreign Policy

long emergencies
the smalley group

Center for International Policy
Foreign Aid Watch
Global Security
Maps of War
UN Peacekeeping

national defense
Defense and the National Interest
Inspector General of the DOD [mil]
Nuclear Policy Research Institute
Sunshine Project

military assistance
Econ. Allied for Arms Reduction
Fed. of American Scientists
[us arms transfers]
[gov. documents, crs]
Defense Security Cooperation Agency [mil]
[arms sales notification]
[customer guide]
[EDA Database]

Center for Economic and Policy Research
Center for Popular Economics
Congressional Research Center
Drumm Major Institute
Earth Institute
Economic Policy Institute
Focus on the Global South
Global Trade Watch
Levy Institute
Molinari Institute
Political Economy Research Institute
real-world economics review
U-Tex Inequality Project - UTIP

capital ownership group
global justice movement
world social forum

Bretton Woods Project

sustainable development
Apollo Alliance
Oxfam International

human rights
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
International Crisis Group

human relief
Mercy Corps

Second Vermont Republic

Breaking the Silence.
Courage to Refuse.
Foundation for Middle East Peace.
If Americans Knew.
International Solidarty.

peace, drugs, and war
American Friends Service Committee
American Gulf War Vets
Drug Policy Alliance
Economists for Peace and Security
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Friends Committee on National Legislation
From the Wilderness
Nonviolence International
Notre Dame's Sanctions Project
Traprock Peace Center
Veterans Against the Iraq War

civil liberties
Center for Constitutional Rights
Elec. Freedom Foundation [EFF]
Elec. Privacy Info Center [EPIC]
Privacy International

state corruption
Transparency International

gender equality

racial equality

American Rights at Work
Fair Trade Federation [*]
International Centre for Prison Studies
International Confederation of Trade Unions
International Labor Rights Fund
Labour Research Association
SweatShop Watch
Take Back Your Time
Work Less Party

Ag Policy Center
Center for Rural Affairs
Corporate Agribusiness Examiner
Environmental Working Group

Basel Action Network
Buffalo Field Campaign
Global Warming in Pictures
Journal of Int. Wildlife Law and Policy
Organization & Environment
North Pole Observatory
Republicans for Environmental Protection
Rocky Mountain Institutes
Society for Ecological Restoration
Union of Concerned Scientists
World Wildlife Fund, International

Education Commission of the States
PBS - School Funding

Growing Without Schooling
Sudbury Valley School

the republic
Center for Responsibe Politics
Century Foundation
Democratic Freedom Caucus
FairVote: Election Reform
Federal Election Commission
Follow the Oil Money
Open Congress
Government Information Awareness

death and taxes
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights

faith in social justice
Ontario Consultants
faithful america
American Council for Judaism
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs

Reclaim Democracy

hangdogs and bloodhounds
Alternative Press Center
Democratic Media
Consumers Union
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Media Lens
Media Matters
Media Reform Network
Media Transparency
Project Censored
PR Watch
Public Citizen

physicians for a national health program
healthcare now!
single payer action

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Free Software Foundation
The Daily WTF
Worse Than Failure

Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
Harris Poll
PEW Research Center [party identification]
Polling Report
PollKatz - George II Averages
Polstate - Illlinois
National Council of Public Polls

econ data
Center For International Comparisons
[Penn World Tables]
BEA Digital Library
Data Buffet
Derived M3
Economic Time Series
Executive Compensation Data
Gapminder World
GPI: Progress Indicator
Groningen Growth & Development Center [GDP Per Hour]
Inflation Calculator
EPI JobWatch
Luxemborg Income Study
Purchase Power Parity adjusted GDP and Per Capita GDP
UN Human Development Indicators
UN Population Info Network
UN World Population Database
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
[real earnings]
[Employment Situation Summary]
[Legacy Statistical Graphs]
US Bureau of Economic Statistics
US Dollar Index (CEC)
US International Trade Commision: Tariff Info Center
World Bank Development Data
World Bank Inequality Data

government services
Bureau of Democracy
Census Bureau
Congressional Budget Office
General Accounting Office
Office of Foreign Assets Control
National Health Expenditure Data

Congressional Research Service
Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
National Security Archives
NSA @ Chadwyck
Public Information Research
Studies in Intelligence, CIA

reference desk
US Government Spending
Nation Master Country Statistics
Polity IV Project
1up Info Country Guide
Columbia Encyclopedia
Hartford World History Archives
Investor Glossary
Library of Congress
The Presidential Recording Center
ReadPrint Library
Snopes Urban Legends
Wayback Machine
White, Matt - 20th Century
World Info by E.G. Matthews

online libraries
Project Gutenberg
Cornell's 'Making of America'

the gospel according to labour
anarchist archives
anarchist FAQ
anarcho-syndicalism 101
the voluntaryist

beards and mops
benjamin tucker
joseph proudhon
lysander spooner
lucy parsons
mother jones
the labadie collection

from the shell of the old
Arizmendi Bakery
Ithaca Health Alliance
Mondragon CC
South End Press
US Fed. of Worker Cooperatives