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    the office of, uh, antiboycott compliance?..., 2007-05-24 11:11:07 | Main | gang warfare over the remaining shreds of history..., 2007-06-06 11:05:10

    tea bagged:

    "nothing that Democrats have said seemed to placate the party's left wing"? Somebody in the party expects them to actually do something more than talk? This won't do at all!

    Let's get some anonymous voice in here to repeat the lie that allows Democrats to tacitly condone the war and give it their unrelenting support:

    "No American troop will go without ... just so the most liberal activists in the country can be quieted," said a senior House Democratic aide. "If it means Democrats in Congress get tea bags and hate mail, so be it - we will not be irresponsible with the lives of our troops."

    Uh, tea bags? I mean, I suppose one generous interpretation of the facts before us is that our intrepid senior aide here has been thoroughly teabagged by the Republicans and is left spitting the pubes out in the form of idiotic talking points advocating the continuation of the conflict, or at least our soldiers' participation in it. What are we missing in that ellipses anyway? No American troop will go without another opportunity to be killed in Iraq just so....

:: posted by buermann @ 2007-05-30 17:01:48 CST | link

      "one generous interpretation of the facts before us is that our intrepid senior aide here has been thoroughly teabagged by the Republicans and is left spitting the pubes out in the form of idiotic talking points advocating the continuation of the conflict,"

      You are the best blogger in this corner of the intertubes. Tea bags! The price of stamps just went up, but for the good of this great nation I can manage a little sacrifice.

    posted by Scruggs @ 2007-05-31 04:29:50 | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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