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    chained..., 2011-07-08 13:14:02 | Main | fiat rage..., 2011-07-11 18:44:27

    and he still buries the lead just like they taught him:

    From the last couple paragraphs of Chris Hedge's review of the documentary "Page One: Inside the New York Times":

    The Times ... where I spent 15 years ... is a labyrinth of intrigue, gossip, back-biting, rumor, false piety, rampant ambition, betrayal and deception. Those who play this game well are repugnant. They are also usually the people who run the place.

    When you allow an institution to provide you with your identity and sense of self-worth you become an obsequious pawn, no matter how much talent you possess. You live in perpetual fear of what those in authority think of you and might do to you. This mechanism of internalized control?for you always need them more than they need you?is effective. The rules of advancement at the paper are never clearly defined or written down. Careerists pay lip service to the stated ideals of the institution, which are couched in lofty rhetoric about balance, impartiality and neutrality, but astutely grasp the actual guiding principle of the paper, which is: Do not significantly alienate the corporate and political power elite on whom the institution depends for access and money.

:: posted by buermann @ 2011-07-08 14:04:25 CST | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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