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"Almost every rich nation has ..., 2003-06-08 14:51:56 | Main | World War III..., 2003-06-10 16:29:22

you shoulda takin' that left at albuquerque:

I made the mistake today of using IE instead of Mozilla, which has made the innovation of disabling "pop-up" ads, something apparently too complex for the ogres at Microsoft, so the vast majority of poor schlups that continue to use IE enjoy getting shat upon by fuck-all scam artists like OIM Corp. Their list of reasons for not being shat upon doesn't happen to include a desire to avoid predatory defecation, making it likely more worthwhile to file a complaint rather than narcisistically googlebombing about it in an act of self-referential, navel-gazing, inane babble, something one hopes will be rectified soon by moving the content of blogs, cable info-tainment transcripts, and newspaper editorials off to some part of the search engine where people can write past eachother in a more intimate setting, rather than obstreperously annoying the 99.9% of people who are looking for facts, such as the unusually large numbers of people who - like me - misspell "Laci Peterson" as "Lacey Peterson" and disappointingly end up here when looking for facts about Laci.

Here's a fact for all you ghoulish homicide-voyeurs trafficking my blog: over a quarter of U.S. casualties in Iraq have been inflicted since April 9. Remember that day? That's the day we stopped watching the war because "we won". Think about that while standing in line for your tickets to the Peterson media circus, you lemmings.

:: posted by buermann @ 2003-06-09 21:46:18 CST | link

    go ahead, express that vague notion

    your turing test:

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