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The boycott-France crowd that ..., 2003-02-20 00:00:00 | Main | For some it's just a matter of..., 2003-02-21 00:00:00

Just heard that a UN group group has started running DNA tests in Kosovo to compare DNA between survivors and some 4,700 unidentified bodies, which might help settle part of the debate over whether the KLA or Serb army was responsible. I expect Raimondo will stick to his guns regardless - I've noticed that he describes the situation like it was an analogue for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict except with the press firmly on the anologous Palestinian side and he on the other, which might be a little wierd considering his stance on Israel. By his measure Albanians attacked Serb targets, Serbs retaliated with overwhelming force, ad infinitum. Probably where the anology ends. If nothing else antiwar.com demonizes Albanians as badly as the press demonized Serbs. I'll continue sitting on the fence myself.

In related news a US soldier is on trial for the rape and homicide of an 11-year old Kosovo child, while DynCorp is winning millions in government contracts after running sex slave rings in Bosnia.

:: posted by buermann @ 2003-02-20 00:00:00 CST | link

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